Doesn't it seem lately almost every B&B around seems to be haunted? Lol, years ago a place would never call their place haunted in fear of losing business. Now it seems fashionable. Cape May in South Jersey in one such place with it's pretty gingerbread homes. Was always shown to be a place to go with your family to a cosy, quaint, homey place to relax by the shore. But, now there's a huge call card of sorts. To go there for Haunted Cape May. They have one of the best Haunted Tours in the US. Heck, even Most Haunted USA went there. To Cape May? It's almost surreal to think about. I remember going there to whale watch. Hauntings? Never! Not saying South Jersey is not known for the Jersey Devil. But, this seems odd? To even think that stories of ghosts there traveled all the way to England. Really I never heard anything before. So, sometimes you wonder how true all the stories are. I'm not saying they couldn't be haunted. But, let's face facts. People in the old days died at home. The even built "coffin corners" on stairways in some homes. So coffins can go down the stairs from the second floor. So, yeah, some places are haunted. But, every hotel and B&B? Nah!
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